Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Me" An essay on myself

     My names Amanda Nichole Craig, I'm 19 years of age. And this is what I'd like to call giving a little tid-bit of myself to you. What is a quirk? What is my quirk? What makes me so quirky? Well, let tell you why so you know why I'm so diffrent from what most people see as being normal.
     Frist off, I am proud to say that I am a major "Otaku" What is that? For most of you if you don't know an otaku is someone who is obcessed with japanese manga and anime, which is their form of comic books and cartoons. I have collected thousands upon thousands of manga books anime series, along with many of the games, movies, and soundtracks that go along with some of them. 
     But why do I do all of this? Why do I buy all of these things and why do I make cos-play costumes and create my own manga? Call it what you may, but doing all of this is what has brought me to my career choice in well as giving me my lifetime dream. It can seem as silly and stupid as it may to others, but, I want to be my own manga creator and author. I'm constantly creating storylines and characters in my head...which on occasion can be quite troublesome. Now, to get into the Pros. and Cons. of things.
     First, The Cons. of the situation. Well, Its lead me to my career choice and dream of course, as well as my choice in role-models and idols, it supplies great entertainment and reading material as well as a refrence. it helps me with creating better storylines and character designs as well as being a great help when I get sever cases of artist block.
     Now for all of the Cons. in this situation of mine. Well, its causes me to be mistaken for a twelve year old more often than usual, causes great exhaustion because of long hours spent making comic chapters, storylines, cos-play outfits, and character designs. Thus, is also the cause of lakc of good nutrition as well as lack of proper body functions due to: Eating high sodium microwave cup ramen and such, drinking lots of tea and soda with large sums of cafeine. 
     So, there's my small but yet large explaination of my quirkiness. Hope you enjoied it and see me as being a little less crazy now. But if not, Oh well, your just missing out on all the fun!